I love seeing the children grow as writers ... each day their sound spelling becomes better, their handwriting goes from almost unreadable to forming letters correctly and writing on lines and using finger spaces between words! I also enjoy seeing them use their imagination to finish writing prompts ... and PUSH themselves to write more than one sentence!
Yesterday the children started their own book .... I Am ___________ . We used
I Am Skippyjon Jones as a guide and created our first drafts! The children are writing things about themselves; from being a big brother, to a great learner, to a wonderful friend. It is incredible to see what they are writing about their identity!
I hope to have their final versions finished by February 12!
You can try this at home .... take ANY early reader that uses repetitive text.
(i.e Brown Bear, also - there are a bunch of Rookie Reader books on Amazon.com - these all have repetitive text)
Read the story a few times with your child.
Fold 2 pieces of paper together and staple (make a small book)
Have your child create a cover and then have the child write their words in the book using sound spelling.
Next, have them sketch simple drawings.
Have the children write the book again in their VERY best handwriting and you can help them with correct spelling of words or work with them on more sound spelling.
Use a pencil and draw final versions of illustrations ... then color the illustrations.
ON THE VERY BACK PAGE -- glue a picture of the child and have them write their AUTHOR BIO
Name, Age, Where they Live, Their Hobby, etc.
A fun rainy day (or two, or three .... project!)
This project helps with comprehension, writing, sequencing, drawing, fine motor!
ALSO -- I just wanted to share with you the first Character Sketches I just received from my illustrator for my next book; Violet and Red are the main characters in --
Red Goes To Kindergarten. It's always very exciting to get to the illustration part of the book and see the words come to life! This book should be released early Summer ...