We then began & finished our FIRST collaboration project. The children worked so well together!!! I modeled how the children should tear colored paper (which represented the land masses on our "globe". They then each tore paper to put on our CLASS globe. They made sure their pieces were not too BIG or too small.
Once they tore all their paper -- they were ready to begin ...
I drew some boundaries on the globe so that we could make sure we had continents.
I heard WONDERFUL words while they worked -- "teamwork", "working together", "excuse me", "can I help you?", "I'll glue and you can stick on the pieces", "I'll move over so you have room!", "it's fun to work together to make something!"
I was so proud of them ... they shared their pieces and glue and helped their new friends open the glue so it wasn't so BIG and ALL the glue sticks had lids on them when we finished!
The children worked for about 30-45 minutes putting all their pieces on.
When they ran out of pieces they helped clean up pieces that may have fallen on the floor, or that were left on their tables.
Lots of concentration, discussion, & collaboration for this project!
This is the finished project that is now hanging in the hallway.
You can see the paper dolls that the children colored!
Our World is a wonderful place!
I hope you enjoyed seeing a little piece of your child's world!
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